Summer Parties Tips

Read these 6 Summer Parties Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Party tips and hundreds of other topics.

Summer Parties Tips has been rated 3.2 out of 5 based on 336 ratings and 3 user reviews.

Spring Has Sprung~ Time to Get Ready for the Summer Barbeque

If you are finally getting done with your spring cleaning, now is the time to get ready for the summer parties that await you.

Watch for sales on paper products, soda pop and chips. Check "sell by" dates to make sure that the items you purchase now will still be ready when the party gets started. Shopping sales now, makes it easy to host lots of summer fun.


Water Fun For Any Age

Summer heat brings out the child in everyone. Why not host a water balloon themed party for your next family barbeque. Givetwo-member teams a bucket filled water balloons, have teammates stand a short distance apart and toss balloons back and forth to one another. The object, see which team can successfully catch the most water balloons without popping them. This game is guaranted to get everyone laughing and a few of the guests soaked.

What is a good dessert for a BBQ

Summer Barbecue Party Dessert

Everyone enjoys a good summer barbecue party! I think one of the best desserts that compliment BBQ is a pie - my favorites are apple and cherry. Cobblers are also very popular, especially blueberry with home made vanilla ice cream. Take advantage of fresh summer fruit and bring the fixings for strawberry shortcake with tons of whipcream. Yum Yum You will be the toast of the barbecue with these great summer barbecue dessert ideas!


Water Fun For Any Age

Summer heat brings out the child in everyone. Why not host a water balloon themed party for your next family barbeque. Givetwo-member teams a bucket filled water balloons, have teammates stand a short distance apart and toss balloons back and forth to one another. The object, see which team can successfully catch the most water balloons without popping them. This game is guaranted to get everyone laughing and a few of the guests soaked.

What is a good theme for a summer party?

Backyard Cookouts Bring a dish!

Want to end the summer with a bang! but don't have any ideas? Here's a great idea that won't cost you a fortune.

Pick a theme and have everyone bring a dish.

For example:
Theme: Casseroles

Ask each of your guests to bring a casserole along with the recipe. Since each guest will be bringing a dish, the cost should be relatively low.

It is not necessary for the family hosting the party to cook due to the fact that they will provide the drinks and paper supplies.


Dress up Your Next Barbecue

Try this at your next backyard barbecue. As your guests arrive to the delicious scents from the grill, hand them each a bandana that they have to wear in some way. Each person will probably find some unique way of tying on a bandana. What a funny conversation-starter! You can present each family or group with different-colored bandanas. As the host, wear a cowboy hat. Present a toy sheriff's badge to the guest of honor. These easy “decorating” tips will tie in perfectly with the easy atmosphere of grilled food and all the side dishes.

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Guru Spotlight
Sheri Ann Richerson