Great Ideas for Baby Showers Tips

Read these 25 Great Ideas for Baby Showers Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Party tips and hundreds of other topics.

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What are some ideas for baby shower party games?

Great Ideas for Baby Shower Party Games

You'll need one sheet of paper and pen or pencil for each guest and a timer.

Pick a word from the following or make up your own (some ideas include the couple's names, the hospital where the baby will be born, etc.): diaper pins, motherhood, pacifier, baby formula.

The object is to see who can make the most words from one of the words. Set a timer for 10 minutes. The guest with the most words wins.

How can I play a game using the baby´s name?

Baby Shower Game Ideas

If you know the baby's name, play an aliteration or rhyming game at your baby shower! Have everyone in the party try to write down as many words they can think of using the first letter of the baby's name or words that rhyme with the baby's name. You might even make the rule that only so many can be places, things, animals, etc. Write them all down and come up with a funny poem or story that the mother-to-be can keep in her baby book.

What are some games for baby shower parties?

More Baby Shower Games

Play a game seeing how many Disney, Universal characters they can write down in a 5 minute time frame. If there is a tie, see who can guess which character goes with Disney and which goes with Universal.

What are some games for baby shower parties?

Baby Shower Party Game Ideas - Guess the Sex

You can play guess the sex (assuming you don't know), birth weight and length of the new baby. Of course if you are going to award a prize, the winner is just going to have to wait.

What are some games for baby shower parties?

Baby Shower Party Game Ideas - Animal Name Game

Have everyone in the group try to name as many of the correct names given to the babies of animals. For instance, a baby bear is a cub, a baby cow is a calf.

What are some ideas for baby shower party games?

Baby Shower Party Games - Guess the Baby Food Game

This is a fun and simple game, especially for a smaller group. Plus, it's an extra gift for the mom-to-be.

*Purchase about 5-8 small bottles of different baby food. The orange foods are best because they're confusing...sweet potatoes, apricots, etc.

*Using white paper, cut a large enough strip to cover the label on the bottle. Make sure you can see the food inside the bottle.

*Write Mystery Food #1, etc. on each bottle.

*Put the bottles in a basket and have each guest choose a bottle.

*Go around the room and have each guest try to guess what food the mystery bottle is. Those guessing right get a prize. (Don't worry -- it's harder to guess than you think!)

*At the end of the game, give the baby food basket to the mom-to-be.

What are some free baby shower tips?

Free Baby Shower Tips

If everyone has e-mail or uses instant messaging, you relay all the up to the minute details about how the mother to be is doing, how is the nursery coming along, is the father to be nervous, countdown the estimated days to the baby being born. If someone does not have access to a computer, a phone call or even a letter works just as well.

What are some games for baby shower parties?

Baby Shower Party Game Ideas - Guessing Game

In this game the hostess puts together a list of things about the expectant mom that not everyone will know. How old she was when she met the father, where was she (or he proposed to), etc. When it's game-time have the guests try to guess as many of these “secrets” as they can.

What are some ideas for baby shower party games?

Baby Shower Party Games - Baby Items

Give each guest a different baby item such as a diaper, safety pin, baby food, bottle, etc. Start a story and have each guest continue with a sentence that must include the baby item they have.


Baby Shower Party Ideas - Time Capsule

Put a bunch of present day articles and other special memorable items into a box or “time capsule”. The mother (and father) to be can add a handwritten note of their thoughts and include it. When the baby turns a certain age, 16, 18, 21, or has their own child, they can open up the capsule.

Ideas for a father-to-be shower?

Welcome your Special Little One!

Here's a great baby idea for the dad-to-be in your office:

Everyone can pitch in for a Book Shower. The main gift can be a small bookcase for the baby. Each person can then purchase their favorite children's books as individual gifts.

What are some ideas for baby shower party games?

Baby Shower Party Games - Bring Pictures of the Mom To Be

Have the guests bring in baby or early childhood pictures of the mom to be. If you can gather them from other places also, you will have enough to display. You will have a fun time listening to guest stories.

What´s a unique baby gift idea?

Ideas for Baby Shower Gifts

Unique Baby Shower Gift Idea:
Give a safety basket. Purchase a basket or a plastic bin with a cover. Individually wrap such items as electrical outlet covers, cabinet locks, toilet locks, a first aid kit, surge protector covers, drawer locks, book on child safety, a gift certificate for a CPR class at the parents' local Red Cross facility, and any other safety-related items you can think of.

What are some games for baby shower parties?

Even More Baby Shower Games

A fun game to play is seeing how many words you can make out of the baby's first and middle name. If the expecting parents haven't decided just pick a boys name for one game, then a girls for the next. Everybody gets a pen and paper. Using any type of timer decide how long you are going to give the guests to make as many words out of the name as possible. 5 minutes seems to the point at which if the game was longer the interest and excitement start to lessen. Whoever gets the most words, wins.

What are some ideas for baby shower party games?

Baby Shower Party Games - Baby Name Game

If you know the babies name, have everyone in the party try to write down as many words they can think of using the first letter of the baby's name. You might even make the rule that only so many can be places, things, animals, etc.

What are some ideas for baby shower party games?

Baby Shower Party Games

It seems like everyone who goes to get film developed gets 2 prints. Collect as many "doubles" as you can find that have one or both of the expecting parents. On the kitchen table (the expecting mom can't be expected to sit on the floor) place all the cards face down after you shuffle them. From here one guest turns over a picture. They then try to turn over the "double." If they are successful, then continue. If not, they must turn over both pictures and the next guest takes a try. The more you remember, along with a little luck, the better your chances of winning the most "doubles."

What are some games for baby shower parties?

Baby Shower Game Ideas - Name the Child Stars

Play a game to see who can name the most baby or child stars.

What are some games for baby shower parties?

Party Games for Baby Showers - Baby Word Game

Have a contest to see how many phrases you can think of that include the word baby.

What are some games for baby shower parties?

Baby Shower Party Game Ideas - Piņatas

Get a piñata such as a stork or baby block. Instead of putting treats in it use small baby items the mother will need.

What are some ideas for baby shower party games?

Baby Shower Party Games - Diaper Game

Nothing is more fun than both playing and watching someone put a diaper on a baby – the old fashioned way! Get some “life-size” baby dolls that will be diapered. Pair up so one guest can perform the diapering, and the other can be the cheering section. Decide if you want to use the one or two diapering technique. Set the timer and go. You might want a band-aid or two around for the guest who is really glad for today's disposable diapers.

What are baby shower decoration ideas?

Great Baby Shower Decoration Ideas

This is a baby shower decoration idea that can be used as a gift too!

Wrap newborn baby diapers around empty papertowel tubes. Hold them together with rubberbands. Stack the diaper-wrapped tubes next to each other and then build layers. Decorate with ribbons and bows.

What kind of game can I play that includes animal names?

Ideas for Baby Shower Games

Need a fun and silly baby shower game? Sit in a circle and have everyone in the group try to name as many of the correct names given to the babies of animals. For instance, a baby bear is a cub, a baby cow is a calf. The first one to miss a name has to leave the circle. The last person left wins the prize - perhaps a baby stuffed animal?

How can I play a game that everyone will have fun with?

Baby Shower Party Ideas - Guess the Sex

Create a fun betting pool about the sex, birth weight and length of the impending bundle of joy! Announce the prize at the baby shower and write down all the guesses. Perhaps get everyone's email. When the birth of the baby is announced, email everyone with the winner and give them their prize. Of course if you are going to award a prize, the winner is just going to have to wait!

What can I do with baby shower pictures?

Baby Shower Theme Ideas

Have the guests bring in pictures of the mom to be from whenever they met her, be it when she was a baby, an elementary schooler or a college student. Display them all on a bulletin board at the baby shower. Everyone will enjoy the memories and you will probably generate a bit of laughter as well! Guests can share stories and enjoy celebrating the mom to be and her new little one!

How can the mother relay information on the baby and her progress?

Free Baby Shower Tip

The electronic age has brought about lots of creative ways to communicate when a baby is on the way! If everyone has e-mail or uses instant messaging, send out an electronic baby shower invitation, or relay all the up to the minute details about how the mother to be is doing. This is also a great platform for a quick email when the baby arrives. Be sure to include the details about the baby and mom as well as visiting hours at the hospital or to tell everyone to wait to visit until the new family is home.

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